Reach your Financial Goals

Your Questions

  • How to manage and reduce the tax burden of my family?
  • How to lower my financial risks?
  • How to optimize my income?
  • How to leave an inheritance to the next generation?
  • How to have a comfortable retirement?

Our Solutions

If you ask yourself these questions, it is because you need help and your situation requires professional financial planning in order to build, manage, protect and transfer a patrimony.

Tax Saving

Whether you are a self-employed worker, a professional or a business owner, saving tax is possible but it requires planning by experts.

Whether you want to maximize your after-tax income, take advantage of tax deductions and credits, get the most out of tax systems, optimize your registered or non-registered portfolios, Savaria | Chabot’s experts will propose the best solutions for your financial status.

Transfer your Inheritance

How to leave a significant inheritance to my family? How to protect my estate? 80% of Quebecers do not have a wealth transfer plan.

Without a plan, the inheritance risks creating family conflicts and being engulfed by tax authorities. Savaria | Chabot’s experts will offer estate planning that will promote a smooth and tax efficient transfer, whether during your lifetime or at your death.

Reaching your Financial Goals

How to set realistic goals? How to establish an appropriate savings strategy? Does my current portfolio meet my financial goals? Savaria | Chabot will help you assess your financial situation and your abilityto invest.

In addition, Savaria | Chabot will assist you with your savings and investment plan to maximize your returns and reduce financial ricks.

Planning your Retirement

Planning your retirement, a puzzle, it twill take money but how much? It’s a great challenge where Savaria | Chabot can have a huge impact. The financial planner is familiar with the Quebec pension system which provides benefits for the retirees. It is the responsibility of each person to make up the shortfall for the desired retirement. It is the role of the professional planner to promote savings and investment strategies that will earn the most while respecting your risk tolerance.

Protect your Family and Loved Ones

How can I ensure the financial security of my loved ones in case of hardship, health problems, or death, etc.?

The financial equilibrium can be disrupted, expenses continue to accumulate, and the loans must be repaid. Savaria | Chabot has financials tools to help you deal with misfortune, even with the most problematic situation.

Managing your Family Patrimony

How do you ensure that no aspect of your financial affairs has been neglected, that no strategy to maximize your wealth has been forgotten? Wealth management at Savaria | Chabot addresses all aspects of financial planning, such as liquidity, indebtedness, taxation, investments, risk management, retirement and succession.

Savaria | Chabot will strive to make your savings strategy evolve based on changes in your personal and professional situation and the changing economic and regulatory environment.

Make an appointment

The first step to reach your financial goals is to make an appointment with one of our experts.
Years ago, the paths of businessmen François Savaria and Frédéric Chabot crossed paths. They joined forces to create a wealth management firm. Distinctive for their customer service, personalized approach and their experience in planning, investing and financial advice

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